Atari Mega Archive 1
Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
Assembly Source File
99 lines
; Places a user defined routine in the VBL queue
; At each Vertical Blank Interrupt the computer will execute a bunch of
; system 'tasks', such as:
; 1) Checking to see if a new monitor was installed
; 2) Checking to see if the color palette has been changed
; 3) Disk drive routine is executed
; We can use this to make the computer execute our own routines during
; the VBL( Vertical BLank Interrupt).
; The maximum number of routines that can be executed in the VBL queue
; is 8 (see _nvbls $454 for value, it is initalized to 8)
; Address _vblqueue ($456) contains a pointer to the VBL queue
; When the computer starts to execute the routines in the queue
; it checks each address and the routine is executed unless the
; value is zero.
; What this program does:
; -----------------------
; It will check each entry in the VBL queue and if that entry
; contains a zero, we will place a pointer to our routine there.
; jeff bilger
; jmb8302@photon.tamu.edu
; Texas A&M University
start: ; Calculate length of program
lea program_end,a3 ; put last addr of prg in a3
suba.l 4(a7),a3 ; subtract basepage, a3 holds total length of prg
move.l #0,-(sp) ; enter supervisor mode
move.w #$20,-(sp) ; Supervisor Stack Ptr SSP
trap #1 ; returned in d0
addq.l #6,sp
movea.l d0,a5 ; save SSP
Search_for_empty_slot: ; Search for empty entry in queue
lea $456,a4 ; put addr that holds ptr to queue in a4
move.l (a4),a1 ; put ptr to queue in a1
; To access 1st entry do (a1)
move.l #0,d6 ; for comparison purposes only
move.l #6,d1 ; Loop max of 7 times
move.l (a1),d5 ; place contents into d5
cmp d6,d5 ; see if entry is 0
beq install_code ; if so, place ptr to my code in entry
addq.l #4,a1 ; goto next entry (note:each entry is 1 longword or 4 bytes)
dbra d1,loop ; decrement d1, if > -1 goto loop
install_code: ; place addr of mycode in entry
lea my_routine,a6 ; put addr of routine in a6
move.l a6,(a1) ; store it in entry of queue
enter_user: ; enter user mode
pea (a5) ; restore SSP
move.w #$20,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #$6,sp
load_and_stay_res: ; Keep code resident in memory
move.w #0,-(sp) ;
move.l a3,-(sp) ; a3 holds length of program
move.w #$31,-(sp)
trap #1
; DONT update stack!!!
; user routine. Install as LSR with GEMDOS $31 and end with rts!
pea string ; this code will just print a message
move.w #$9,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
string: dc.b "Taltos! Apr.3.93 in VBL",$d,$a,0
align ; align storage on word boundary
program_end: ds.l 0